Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Is It All Downhill For COA?

COA's new and improved logo

       COA (Cheerleaders Of America) used to be the most prestigious competition in the cheerleading industry located at the Gaylord Palms in Orlando, Florida. Now it's a complete joke. This past weekend Top Gun all-stars participated in COA and completely swept the competition. COA made very impressive improvements this year to attract more teams...it didn't help. In my opinion, I believe there were less teams and the competition was extremely disorganized. Usually, the awards are in a separate hall, this year they were on the competition floor. In the past years there were three competition rooms, and last weekend there was one. In most divisions teams competed against themselves...that's more of a showcase if you ask me. Some teams traveled all the way from Columbia to compete against themselves. Now that is a disappointment.
      JamBrands now owns the rights to COA. The only changes COA had this year were a new logo, a different score sheet, and smaller trophies. Although I was impressed that the first place team received a trophy with every team members name on it. Other than that, the whole weekend was a disaster. COA has absolutely no hope in becoming a major competition again. I hope Top Gun does not choose to go to COA next year, if they do they can count me out.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

A True Champion

Madeline McTier cheerleader from Ace All Stars in Atlanta, Georgia had emergency surgery this past Monday to remove a tumor from her brain. Madeline is fighting for her life and is not giving up without a fight. Whether its on the mat or for her life Madeline is giving it all she has, and isn't backing down. The Ace All Stars gym is starting to collect money for her family because circumstances like these can get quite pricey. Madeline has woken up from her very complex surgery, and she hopes to recover very quickly. My thoughts and prayers are with Madeline and her family during this extremely tough time. All this support from Madeline's family, friends, and the cheerleading world is probably helping her cope through this difficult time. I hope Madeline does make a speedy recovery so she can return to cheerleading and continue doing what she loves. You're in my prayers Madeline and I wish you all the best!