Monday, June 4, 2012

Fallen Cheerleaders Make The Best Guardian Angels



         Over the past couple months many cheerleaders in the all star world have been passing away. Bullying and car crashes have claimed the lives of these talented teenagers born with an amazing gift. Many people do not realize how truly amazing all star cheerleading is. It is now considered a sport, but many people refuse to grasp that and condemn it as a pass time. These fallen cheerleaders made cheerleading the center of their life, and it's sad to see that people do not respect that.
    Omar Moreno, from TopGun All-Stars passed away a few weeks ago due to a car crash. Omar was an amazing, talented, and kindhearted person. He donated his organs to six different people saving all of their lives. The cheerleading world knows Omar's legacy will live on and stay with them forever.
     Jeffrey Fehr, from Power Cheer All-Stars committed suicide this past New Years. Jeffrey was loved by everyone, with a bubbly personality and infectious smile he was adored. During his sophomore year he came out of the closet, and people bullied him for that. Everyone is different and that is what makes the world an amazing place. Why are people so rude when it comes to this, and why does it even concern them? That is what caused Jeffrey to commit suicide, and hearing that is heart wrenching. Jeffrey left behind his mother and father, 2 other brothers, and many friends. Like Omar, Jeffrey's life will be remembered and his legacy will live on for years and years to come. This should be a lesson to everyone about bullying. Everyone should make sure they are as kind as they can to people, being nice goes a long way.
     My heart goes out to Omar's family and Jeffrey's family. I believe it is so important to remember these amazing boys, because truly fallen cheerleaders make the best guardian angles.

Monday, May 14, 2012

A Game Of Telephone


     As the 2012 cheerleading season comes to an end, the 2013 cheer season begins! Cheerleaders all over the world are going through the tryout process. All Star gyms are now having tryouts to establish their teams for the 2013 cheer season.
     Yes, there are cheerleading teams all over the world, but it's a small world after all...believe it or not. Many cheerleaders use twitter and instagram to connect with eachother, and find out the scoop of the other gyms. This has also established long distance relationships and friendships between fellow cheerleaders.
     Now that everyone from gyms across the world are communicating, no secret can be kept a secret anymore. For example, Cheer Athletics from Dallas, Texas just had their tryouts for the upcoming season. Everyone was interested to see what teams they would have, get rid of, and keep. The cheerleaders of Cheer Athletics lives became public, whether they wanted it to or not. How they did at tryouts or what skills they threw at tryouts where on everyones timeline on twitter and suddenly became everyones business.
     Every cheerleader knows that the latest cheer scoop will be on the fierce board. Every team now has no privacy because everyone else knows their business. Yes, communication can be both good and bad, but we live in a dangerous world so the more privacy the better in my opinion. It's great all of these cheerleaders have come together because they all share a common passion, but it has gone a little too far.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Cheerleading Worlds And The Cheer Future


      Last weekend the largest and most prestegious cheerleading competition was held at Disney's Wide World of Sports. It is called The Cheerleading Worlds. Thousands of competition cheerleading squads travel hours just to attend, and hopefully bring back the gold. Teams like Maryland Twisters, Stringray All-Stars, Cheer Extreme, California All-Stars, and World Cup hope to defend their titles and defend their spot. This year in the "Large Senior All Girl" division, the ladies of Senior Elite were crowned as the world champions. "I was really shocked" said Adriana Mier a TopGun cheerleader. "I thought Maryland Twisters had it in the bag."
       Once The Cheerleading Worlds comes to an end, that means the cheerleading season comes to an end. Tryouts for gyms across the country begin to start, and teams learn new routines for the coming season. I wonder what the new cheerleading season will hold. Every year teams get better, uniforms are changed, and new tricks are made up. With the new USASF cheerleading rules, teams are going to have to tone it down a bit. Some tumbling is now restricted and the uniform policy is changing. In a few years more rules by the USASF will be implemented. So this upcoming season will be very interesting, and I honestly can't wait!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Is It All Downhill For COA?

COA's new and improved logo

       COA (Cheerleaders Of America) used to be the most prestigious competition in the cheerleading industry located at the Gaylord Palms in Orlando, Florida. Now it's a complete joke. This past weekend Top Gun all-stars participated in COA and completely swept the competition. COA made very impressive improvements this year to attract more didn't help. In my opinion, I believe there were less teams and the competition was extremely disorganized. Usually, the awards are in a separate hall, this year they were on the competition floor. In the past years there were three competition rooms, and last weekend there was one. In most divisions teams competed against themselves...that's more of a showcase if you ask me. Some teams traveled all the way from Columbia to compete against themselves. Now that is a disappointment.
      JamBrands now owns the rights to COA. The only changes COA had this year were a new logo, a different score sheet, and smaller trophies. Although I was impressed that the first place team received a trophy with every team members name on it. Other than that, the whole weekend was a disaster. COA has absolutely no hope in becoming a major competition again. I hope Top Gun does not choose to go to COA next year, if they do they can count me out.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

A True Champion

Madeline McTier cheerleader from Ace All Stars in Atlanta, Georgia had emergency surgery this past Monday to remove a tumor from her brain. Madeline is fighting for her life and is not giving up without a fight. Whether its on the mat or for her life Madeline is giving it all she has, and isn't backing down. The Ace All Stars gym is starting to collect money for her family because circumstances like these can get quite pricey. Madeline has woken up from her very complex surgery, and she hopes to recover very quickly. My thoughts and prayers are with Madeline and her family during this extremely tough time. All this support from Madeline's family, friends, and the cheerleading world is probably helping her cope through this difficult time. I hope Madeline does make a speedy recovery so she can return to cheerleading and continue doing what she loves. You're in my prayers Madeline and I wish you all the best!